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current ripple造句

"current ripple"是什么意思  
  • Rhomboid current ripple
  • Modified formula for sensorless dc motor speed estimation was proposed through the test for relationship between the current ripple frequency and the rotation speed in a 4 - pole dc motor
  • The new modified formula not only meets with our experiment result , but also can explain the examples of relationship between the speed and the current ripple frequency of dc motors in the literature
  • Thirdly , current ripple will be calculated in two current control mode respectively and paper will make a conclusion about its interaction with the voltage , current , frequence and so on . finally this paper will show the design of the controller and test waveforms
  • The operation principle , stability and current ripple of the output filter inductor between serial and parallel modes are analyzed . a 1000 va serial and parallel combined dual buck half - bridge inverter ( dbhbi ) has been implemented to verify the analysis
  • With the best modulation strategy which was found on condition that it must have largest energy transfer ratio , smallest current ripple of the inductor , and realizing zvs of each switches , the converter overcomes the drawbacks presented by the conventional zvs fb converter , such as high voltage stress of each switches , large current ripple of the inductor , and severe parasitic ringing on the rectifier diodes , so it can get higher efficiency , faster respond speed , and wider application area . the operation principle of the proposed converter is analyzed and verified by a 3kw , 50khz experimental prototype . experiments and research results show that the scheme of the tl topology derivation is reasonable , adjusted modulation strategy makes some other severe problems in conventional topologies easy to solve or makes the converter more competitive
  • Second , a direct torque control for pmsm based on stepping spwm is analyzed . in classic dtc system , the torque and current ripples are larger because of the restriction of the number of voltage vectors . by means of the vectors subdividing theory , using a new method of dividing voltage vectors based on stepping spwm , more voltage vectors on a circle in space can be achieved
  • In order to avoid the current ripple and the high switch frequency of fixed - band hysteresis current controllers , two hysteresis controllers of change hystersis - band are proposed . one is the sinusoidal - band hysteresis current controller , the other is the adaptive hysteresis current controller based on fuzzy theory
  • Using the modified method , 6 kinds of tl topologies of single - switch converter are obtained . the deep research reveals that these tl topologies can have less value of the inductor by using interleaving modulation strategy compared with conventional modulation strategy on the condition that the current ripple of the inductor are the same . some drawbacks such as high voltage stress , difficulty of realizing soft - switching , and magnetic aberration were presented in the conventional push - pull converter
  • In this paper point to point control , constant frequency control and up and down frequency control are studied , in which current lagging loop control method is used to restrict over currents . and using flux tracking method , position open loop , position close loop control system are also studied . and research results indicate that larger current ripples are restricted by means of subdividing space vectors
  • It's difficult to see current ripple in a sentence. 用current ripple造句挺难的
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